For almost 1500 years, the churches central act of worship every week was receiving Communion. It is also known as The Lords Supper and The Eucharist. This act is perhaps the most precious and important act to understand and practice as a Christ follower. In this act, we use bread and a cup to remember the last time Jesus broke bread with His disciples before His death, burial ,and resurrection. Jesus told them to partake of this meal “… in remembrance of me…” and for centuries, followers of Christ have been receiving the bread and cup of communion as a physical representation that symbolizes the remembrance and accepting the life of Christ.
The idea of REMEMBRANCE in scripture has two sides; bring someone to mind and then to go and act on their behalf. This is why The Church is also called The Body of Christ, we are to remember Christ and act in His stead, being His hands and feet.
Here at Ardent, we offer communion during our weekly Remembrance Session for all who actively follow Christ. Come and commune with God as your partake of the bread and the cup in remembrance of Christ.