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  • Purpose of Family Formation: To restructure and reform how we live, focusing on God’s design for family and existence.
  • Importance of Common Goal: A family needs a shared vision and purpose to thrive, requiring open communication and alignment of worldviews.
  • Focus on God’s Vision: Shifting the focus from self-centeredness to God’s perspective on life, family, and relationships.
  • Commitment Definition: Rolling over, removing, seeking an occasion to perform an action until completion.
  • Commitment Importance: Commitment is essential for family formation, spiritual growth, and achieving God’s plans.
  • Commitment to God: Commitment to God involves prioritizing Him above all else, managing one’s household well, and following His instructions.


Family formation begins with a common goal, a shared commitment to God’s vision for life. This commitment involves aligning one’s actions, priorities, and relationships with God’s will, as seen in the example of Jesus’ teachings and the importance of discipleship.  Without this commitment, families risk straying from God’s path and missing out on the fullness of life He offers.


In essence, our purpose lies in rectifying our current approach to life. We have become accustomed to viewing life through a flawed lens. We must broaden our perspectives and redirect our focus from our shortcomings towards the divine. God, the creator of existence, possesses the knowledge and wisdom to live life following His divine plan. We should endeavor to align our lives with His principles and adopt a new mindset.

Just as traveling a road on autopilot leads to missed opportunities and a lack of awareness, our current lifestyle hinders our growth and prevents us from fulfilling our potential. The Israelites’ journey around the mountain exemplifies this phenomenon. They were rushing through life, neglecting their role as image-bearers and failing to remember God’s promises.

Family transcends mere household ties and encompasses relational connections. While it is rooted in blood ties, it extends beyond physical familial bonds. The church represents a significant aspect of family. We must redefine and reform our understanding of life, starting with the foundation of family. Proverbs 16:3 states, “Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts shall be established.” Our desire for prosperity and success should not be limited to mere survival. However, we find ourselves in a state of emptiness and disconnection. We yearn for growth and fulfillment, yet we struggle to find the path to achieve it.

We recognize that God established the concept of family. However, it is essential to understand that family encompasses diverse relationships. We must undertake a comprehensive reform and restructuring of our understanding of family.

Formation 1: Establishing a Common Vision: No group or relationship can achieve its goals without a shared vision. Consider your worldview when dating. Ensure you share a common perspective and aspire to achieve the same objectives. Some individuals may be focused on building and expanding, while others may be engaged in tearing down and dismantling structures.

Challenge: Take some time to reflect on your family’s goals and aspirations.

Proverbs 16:3 emphasizes the significance of commitment to the great commandment (Matthew 22:37) and the great commission (Matthew 28:19) in building a strong family. 1 Timothy 3:5 further underscores this principle.

When you dedicate your life to God with unwavering devotion, He will guide you into service. Until the end of your earthly journey, every aspect of your life will be dedicated to His greater good. This commitment involves daily sacrifices and selfless acts.

Commitment is the act of dedicating oneself to a cause or action, often involving a willingness to make significant sacrifices and endure challenges. It is a crucial aspect of parenting and marriage, as it requires parents to prioritize their children’s well-being and husbands to support their wives. The completion of family formation is not achieved until the natural death of each member. Jared still seeks guidance from his father, demonstrating the enduring nature of commitment.

Our commitment extends beyond our families to include sports, work, and other pursuits. However, it is essential to recognize that these activities can become the central focus of our lives, potentially leading to neglect of other important responsibilities. A thorough examination of our commitments will reveal the areas where we may be overextending ourselves.

Many individuals lack commitment and are not fully engaged in their responsibilities. Being out of formation poses significant risks, as it leads to disobedience and disregard for instructions.

If a man is unable to manage his household effectively, how can he effectively serve the church? (1 Timothy 3:5) This principle applies to managing one’s household as a microcosm of the larger world. The household represents a small-scale model of how society should function. It is crucial to recognize that our bodies are temples for the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the first and most fundamental commitment is to our bodies and our households, which we dedicate to the service of the Spirit.

God does not demand perfection; rather, He seeks guidance. If I am on the wrong path, I will follow the instructions of the Bible and the guidance of my household members.

Commitment is essential for achieving success and fulfillment. It requires us to have a common purpose and to work together towards a common goal. When we commit ourselves to a cause, we open ourselves up to the guidance and support of God.

Without Christ, we can only speak about the positive aspects of the world; we cannot embody those positive qualities ourselves. Therefore, we must commit ourselves to our work and to making disciples, starting with ourselves. To commit ourselves, we must sacrifice our comfort and embrace the challenges that lie ahead. Our plans should not be our own; they should be God’s plans, as He guides us towards a greater purpose.


We thank you for this opportunity that we’ve had in this gospel session and also in our remembrance session. We pray for those who are coming into this family that our commitment and our focus grow stronger. We pray that we love you with everything that we have. Teach us and we will receive your instructions and correction, as you grow us into the family you desire. Amen.


  1. Proverbs 16:3
  2. Matthew 22:37
  3. Matthew 28:19
  4. 1 Timothy 3:5
  5. Matthew 25:34
  6. Epheshians 2:10
  7. 1 Peter 4:10