- Importance of Scripture: Always remember and apply the teachings of scripture, as they are crucial for life.
- Focus on Fundamentals: Prioritize mastering basic principles, such as loving one’s neighbor, before seeking deeper spiritual knowledge.
- Centrality of Family: Recognize the family as the foundation of the church and the primary context for understanding God’s design for relationships.
Driving home, I saw a house in the woods, a rare sight amidst my journeys. It’s like scripture or attending sessions. Don’t miss what’s here and offered! Remember what you’ve been taught and keep it close—it’s life’s most important thing (Proverbs 4:13).
We have what we need but don’t listen. Someone said they know all they need and want to deepen their faith. I replied that I’m still working on simple things like loving my neighbor (Matthew 22:37-40).
We must open our lives to be reformed into Christ’s image. This starts in the family.
The Church and our relationship with God are found in the family. Families need a home, a common goal, members with roles, and a structure. They’re messy and under attack (Hebrews 10:20).
A commitment to God’s commandments and commission will build a great family. God designed relationships, knowing how they work (Genesis 2:18).
We’re hardwired for family relationships, and the family is our primary relationship. We’re called the children of God, the family of God, and the Bride of Christ.
The enemy has attacked the family unit, trying to lessen parents’ roles and raise children to center stage. If families aren’t functioning, the church can’t function either.
Let’s reform the family as God intended and the church to His glorious bride. Let’s revisit our family formation and see what we’ve missed.